i hope this can help someone out there!! c: i got a lot of the same errors that others are reporting at first and this was how i got past them. Sorry if this is overly-detailed! like i said before, i'm not a techy person at all, so i wanted to try and word this with as much straightforward detail as possible so that people like me can play this too. from there the opening cutscene should start playing and the game should work! dragging it creates a shortcut instead (to be fair, i didn't attempt to launch the game after dragging it so it could work! but i figured it's better to be safe than sorry). right-click and copy the application from the crack folder, then paste it where the original application was in the main folder. after finding where the matching application is, right-click and delete the one that is in the main folder. go back into the main folder-leave the crack folder open-and find the matching application. inside is the game application, but cracked so that the disc and website aren't required.

i moved it to my desktop so that i could still see it with the main folder open. near the top should be a folder titled 'crack'. after you exit the installation page, go back to the folder. it gives you the option to exit or to go to a website to finish setting up your disc, but that website isn't needed. agree to its terms, let it do its thing, and exit once it completed. after unzipping, go into the file and navigate to the 'install' application. after downloading the iso image, right-click and unzip the disc itself. but here's how i got it to work for me since i see others struggling too: i'm not a tech expert so i can only say what worked for me i can't help with anything else. to clarify, i use a dell inspiron 13 laptop, which uses windows. after some trial and error i figured it out.

I struggled a lot with getting this game to work at first. but it was still great to relive this game from my childhood up until that point!! my laptop's four years old though and has gotten lots of use over the years, so i only made it up to the final boss before my laptop shut off from being totally overworked lol. Hi everyone! i just installed this tonight and played it almost up to the very end.